Become a Certified Garage Door Technician

with our Online Video Course.

  • Affordable

    Now offering our easy payment plan, we guarantee our price is more affordable than any other certification program or trade school. With our low tuition cost, you can easily earn your tuition back, fast, working as a garage door technician. A small investment for a valuable skill to be gained.

  • Learn at Your Own Pace

    Don't worry, we offer unlimited test retakes, including the certification test. You can also go back to old sections and re-watch any video lessons if you need to refresh your memory.

  • Lifetime Access

    Valuable knowledge you'll have access to, for LIFE. Unlimited Access to all content, even after certification. You will also receive any future lessons added to the course, free.

Schedule a FREE Phone Consultation

We will reach out to you, to discuss our online course, at a time that works best for you.

Gain valuable knowledge that can earn you a living.

Become a Certified Garage Door Technician with our Online Video Course.

  • Become a CERTIFIED Garage Door Technician

    You will obtain a custom certificate of completion, with your name, after completing our course. This certifies you as a Garage Door Technician, so you can easily find employment as a garage door technician.

  • Lifetime Access

    Valuable knowledge you'll have access to, for LIFE. Unlimited Access to all content, even after certification. You will also receive any future lessons added to the course, FREE.

  • Start Your Own Garage Door Business

    With the skills developed in our online course, you will gain the knowledge you need as a technician to start your own garage door repair business. Earn an OUTSTANDING living with your own garage door business.

What to Expect

Our Course Includes:

  • 4 Modules

    The modules are categorized by which lessons they contain. There are numerous video-lessons in each module, each teaching a different skill. From Small Repairs to fully Installing the Garage Door and its Opener, you'll learn it all within our course.

  • Lesson Quizzes

    Each Video-Lesson is followed by a short, multiple-choice quiz, to assure you understand each step clearly. Unlimited retakes.

  • All Future Content FREE

    You will receive any and ALL, future content, absolutely FREE when you enroll in our full course. We add new content each month! Check below to see updates for our next release.

5 Sections. 1 Certification Test.

Over 2 hours of video content, unlimited access.

Schedule a Phone Consultation

We will reach out to you, to discuss our online course, at a time that works best for you.

Watch our FREE Lesson

Taken directly from our full course, this lesson will teach you how to reset a cable on a garage door.

Browse Our Garage Door Parts Shop

Pick and choose your door parts. Membership Discounts coming soon.